KBC Head Office Number Official Timings

The KBC Head Office Real Number can be contacted only from 07:00 am to 07:00 pm as same as that of business hours. If you want to call aside for business hours, 00919542195614 contact KBC through 24*7 Investment Advisory Team at  That is the same number that should be contacted for KBC Lottery Inquiries.

If you have some budget for investment, but you’re confused about where it should invest so that you may get the maximum profit, then KBC Investment Advisory Team is also a solution to your worry.

Just have them contacted, and they will guide you on how to invest the money in the KBC Lottery scheme according to your budget. You can also verify your lottery details by sending the lottery number or forwarding the received message to KBC Head Office Contact number 
 00919542195614 (KBC WhatsApp number) 


KBC Kaun Banega Crorepati Office Locations

Now that’s all for those who may contact KBC through their phone numbers. Let’s come to those who will personally visit their Head Office or Customer Care Center. The business hours, as discussed earlier for KBC Head Office, are between 07:00 am to 07:00 pm, during which you can visit your nearest KBC Head Office or Customer Care Center as you like.

The Head Offices are established in Mumbai, Andheri, and Bandra while customer care centers exist almost in every 2nd city. International Contestants have the ease to visit Head Offices as major International Airports in these 3 cities, so they don’t have to travel much after landing off in India.

You may visit these offices for Game Show Entry Pass Reservations, Game Show participation tickets, or some information about Lottery Tickets or purchasing one. Now the most natural way of all is visiting their website kbclotterywinnerlist.in but it also has a drawback.

You might get information about the live contest or Lottery competition, but you can’t get Contest passes or Lottery Tickets. You will personally have to visit the KBC Head Office or reach them through the KBC Official Number if you want to purchase passes and tickets

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